I believe the vast majority of people who hate jews hate them unforunatley because of the Israeli government. I know Jews and Arabs where living peacefully together in Palestine prior to World War 2. The reason I say I don't buy into anti-semitism is because the Israeli goverment has been using the charge of antisemtism to silence anyone who questions their actions. Russia annexed a part of Ukraine that was once part of Russia and despite the fact that the majority of people in Cremia wanted to rejoin Russia the United States and other countries imposed sanctions on Russia. Israel continues to kick Palentians off their land and no one poses any sanctions or says a word due to fear of being called an antisemite.
Ironically, Israel was the biggest supporter of South Africa's apartheid government from the 60s onward. I agree the actions of Europe and the United States is much worse than anything ever done by Israel, that shouldn't be used as an excuse to jusify their behavior however. Explain to me why people are quick to condem Russia, Iran, and China but remains silent about Israel?